Wednesday 5 January 2011

And the incessant ramblings of people when they are thinking sanely...

-- will come to an end in Ferret Gun.

No, we aren't going to stop posting, if that is what you are thinking. No, rather, we are expanding.
Perhaps this will explain it very clearly to you:

Damn straight. Except swords can actually, you know, kill you. (No, please do not dredge up the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" argument - swords have the potential to kill is what I'm saying, although it'd be damn freaky as well as maybe the end of the world if they started hovering around and stabbing people in the gut in a 1-2-3 fashion that would be similar to seppuku or harakiri, etc etc yadda yadda).

Hm, reminds me of a saying. "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." What do you think, actually? Comment if you have an opinion about these two sayings.

"Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me" vs. "The pen is mightier than the sword"

Of course, if we think about this relatively, I don't think sticks and stones can compare to a sword. ... well, the similarity is that if you're whacked by any of them, it hurts. It HURTS, dammit.

./looks at the picture again
Not that I would rather be stabbed by a ninja wielding a giant pen. Nope. Ninja ink'd be pretty neat though.
... the unfortunate medical examiner who'd have to examine my body will probably think I was murdered by a squid waving a machete around. How graceless.

Yes, breaking away from that tangent...

Mnem has established a new site which will be known as The Ink Ninjas (click click click!). As aforementioned, we will not be abandoning Ferret Gun, we are just sorting and stuffing things in places. Think of Ferret Gun as a sock drawer getting too full because we crammed it full of socks. Now think of the Ink Ninjas as another sock drawer, empty and unused. We are moving all the striped socks into the Ink Ninjas drawer. Yes? :D

The Ink Ninjas will be home to writing, writing, rants, the occasional word vomit, but mostly? Writing. They can be independent stories, one-shots, chapters of a story you're working on...

The only comments we'll allow for are those pertaining to constructive criticism or positive feedback.
... flames will only burn.

We'll kick your ass if you flame.


It's not nice.

And I don't know why I'm spacing everything out.

But whatever.

Main point? Don't freaking flame. Seriously. Doesn't make anyone happy.

Time to race over now! :D

If you haven't clicked on the link, CLICK ON IT NOW, DAMMIT.



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