Monday 31 May 2010

Five weird things you get when you type "ferret gun" into Google

So we're trying to find our blog on Google search (if you're reading this after the original posting, could you give it a whirl and report back? Thanks) and--while the previous post has some very strong words about the outcome of this exercise--it wasn't in vain. For, you see, Google does some very weird things when it's forced to search for "ferret guns".

5. Animal cruelty

Now I haven't actually watched the video because I'm on a school computer and I'm afraid of being suspended for partaking in unsavoury spectacles, but you have to admit that a video titled "Hunting with dogs ferret guns" will never be something you can show to the grandkids.

4. Badly punctuated titles of questionable use

In a similar vein, there appears to be a site dedicated to (in their own words) "BOOKS SHOOTING,STALKING,FERRETS." While their italicized enthusiasm is commendable, any site that dares to label itself "The UK's Leading Producer of Fieldsports DVDs and Videos" had better get their grammar together before they get hacked into a mindless PETA botnet.

And if that does happen, I had nothing to do with it... I can never get the font to look right anyways.

Besides, who needs a book on stalking ferrets? Aren't underage girls good enough for you?

3. In Russia, gun ferrets you!

Fail meme, but apparently the folks down in St. Petersburg have launched a program aiming to get illegal guns back in the hands of those to whom they rightfully belong, so people can commit murder with a legally acquired firearm. You try to spot the awkwardness in that sentence. Found it? Yeah! Everybody knows that you must always refer to St. Petersberg as "up in St. Petersburg"...

2. Things that don't even make sense

You're not the only one with a gun, bitch. - FERRETS!

... WTF? Even we don't do that. WTF?

1. -snicker-

Copy-pasted from the original description: "HMS Ferret was a 10-gun sloop launched in 1704 and captured by the French in 1706." (from this Wikipedia article)

There are so many things wrong with that sentence. Ferret? Seriously? Someone must have employed the "open a dictionary and point randomly at a word" naming technique.

Either that, or the ferrets are building a navy.

~Mnem- "Not Another Thing We Have To Run Away From" -osyne

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