Saturday 29 May 2010

The World has Gone Mad

What's that, you say?


Alas, my plan of world domination will come to fruition!
Haha. Fruits. Fruition.
My bad 'supposed' pun sense aside... basically, you're saying, that if I have a country and a freakishly good cake, I can take over the world?
Yessss. Of course, I neglect to mention the other vitally important stuff, but please let me revel in the elation of this 'discovery'. Please and thank you.
Well, if it was that easy... 
The world has gone mad! Speaking of which, have you ever stopped to think how crazy some people are sometimes? Y'know, like the fact that I'm up at this time of day writing an entry for a exchange diary? Or perhaps the fact that this nonsensical exchange diary even exists to offer absurd ideas such a world domination through the creation of a sweet, chocolate (is what it seems to be, anyway) layered cake? 
Dear me, I make a lot of mistakes when typing. I use run-on sentences too. I begin to rant uncontrollably as well. It's quite fun to do that. Ever tried it yourself? Talking on and on and on in a post that no one will bother to read nor care to read, while you delude yourself with notions that your entry, as well as the blog itself, will skyrocket to fame through the random coincidence of a talent agent scout finding it and actually wasting their life READING it? You can understand that feeling, can't you?
Ah, I remember the day when someone called me crazy when they expected for me to snap and verbally maul them until a hit combo of a sideways eight was reached. Of course, all I said for what they had to tell me was "Okay! That's great to know", thus bestowing me with the title of 'crazy'. Who isn't? Ever met a single normal person on this world? No. Because they don't exist! We're all retards at some point, y'know? Of course, I'm not even crazy. I'm not even delusional, psychotic, or insane. I'm a being from beyondddddd the plane because of my sheer WTF.
That's right. WTF. If you're pondering the meaning of that word, that's fine. No one can possibly comprehend my advanced babbling speeds, even though I'm not even talking right now. I am LMAOing right now though.
Wow. My muse has been particularly active in the last 10 minutes. I managed to write this much. :D
Good muse.
I think I actually need to get some sleep or I'll keel over and smash my head into the keyboard at any momentaewoijfo;ewijflkdsjfklajsdfasdf.


P.S. Mnem, you must have taken that all from Wikipedia or something, or I am officially declaring you
SAD. JUST SAD. But on the other hand, Vienna sounds pretty damn awesome. I always get it mixed up with Venice. :D 
I'll expect to see a mob after you soon, what with that comment about America! (Y) 

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