Sunday 15 August 2010

Oo-er, Mnem is ticked

A detached rant, written pretty much the same way I write my school assignments. Guess what I was pissed about. Go on, guess. :-/

"It is so easy to take the low road sometimes. To fob off of someone else--to put all your effort aside--to not raise a finger for what you want, what you believe in, what you think is right. Maybe it is because you were lazy. Maybe it is because you know no other way. Maybe it is something that sits badly in the back of your mind; you get away with it by assuring yourself that it was a one-time fling, that desperate people do desperate things, but you're wrong. It doesn't end there. You do one thing wrong and it becomes easier to let yourself go. We are all born procrastinators; we must work hard to be diligent. No prizes for guessing which virtue (or not) most people will confess to being closet practicers. I myself have issues with scheduling things that I do not like. Take this English homework, for example. It took me perhaps an hour to find and read 17 poems and then to pull one particularly moving poem out of the bunch--a process that, frankly, should have been the longest part of the entire assignment. And yet when it comes to the actual writing I have no idea what to say. I put it off for one day, pleading school, and then put it off another day, pleading a rest; I put it off for one more day, pretending that I did not remember, and then I see it again the day before it is due and I panic. I think, It's like last year all over again. I think, Didn't I promise to clean up my act? I make excuses; I tell myself I make mistakes, there's still time to fix it, I get the paper in on time, no harm done. While I pride myself on being able to work under pressure, it is not an enviable habit, and I should really get to doing things in a far more timely manner. Furthermore I have succeeded in doing the same thing to my French homework, which (being written in a foreign language, requiring multiple 150-word chapters, and referencing source material from last year) promises to be infinitely more procrastination-friendly than a simple English paragraph. Before long, I predict that it will turn into a vicious cycle swallowing all assignments from all classes and I will furthermore be unable to redeem myself from this existential hell. I should have seen it coming. Why didn't I?"


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