Sunday 1 August 2010


-glances about nervously- H-hey, it's the f-first of August... ha ha ha...


Yes, that dreaded time of the year has arrived. The school season - for international schools, at any rate - reopens! And while I will find some pleasure scaring the hell out of the new students with my insanity (as well as the returning students who know me and for some odd reason STILL remain friends with me - you know what I mean, Mnem), overall, school season = CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON CON. Sure, I mean, seeing your friends, some of your favorite teachers, and meeting new people is a pro. 's a good thing. But this is 10th grade. Sophomore year. I.e. The-year-where-they-hack-you-into-little-pieces-in-preparation-for-IB-or-AP-and-mill-about-with-carving-knives-during-class-to-make-sure-you're-actually-working, and in the following year (AAAA IB AND AP), it's going to be I-walk-around-with-a-freaking-chainsaw-to-make-sure-you-don't-go-to-university-in-a-dumpster-though-I-wouldn't-care-if-you-did-actually. DO YOU UNDERSTAND OUR PAIN? On top of that, I have a fanfiction to update weekly in addition to my new job as a cleaner / typesetter for a scanlation group! It takes a while to digitally upgrade manga scans, you know! Especially if there's a lot of cloning / redrawing to be done!
... in other news, I'm quite sure you get the idea. No, I am not complaining. By the way, Mnem decided not to submit her novel-in-the-making story to the contest because she kind of went over the word limit and started bleeding (an arm hacked off too!) when she began chipping at it to get it under 4000 words. So, she's going to keep it and post it on WDC anyway - and hopefully, one of these days, I'll get to read it. And so--
IB Student in his Valedictorian speech at the graduation ceremony:

"Looking back on IB, I probably wouldn't have gotten into Harvard without it. I plan on studying molecular biology, and Harvard has one of the best molecular biology programs in the world, and with this first-class education I hope to one day cure cancer. So if you think about it, my participation in the IB program could save millions of lives, and I guess my sanity was a fair price to pay over these past four years for that possibility. Although I do wish I didn't have to make the choice."

-gulp- Yay. Near death to anticipate in the near future. But then again, I never had any sanity to begin with, so what would I degrade to...?

-Chronos "Mnem you fiend, post!"

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