Monday 7 June 2010

Hail Britannia

It's a bit creepy how many girls find British accents cute. I went to Jordan for a school trip and one of the components was a visit to the uber-preppy King's Academy (no offence, dear) where our guide was this nice gap-year fellow from England. My school at the time was quite small--especially when compared to the sprawling neatness of King's--and while all the guys and the teachers were visibly taken with the facilities, you could practically feel the girls drooling over our guide. -facepalm-

Note: I claim no part in this. (I can hear your eyes rolling, Chronos, put them back in.)

Anyways, we got back on the bus--practically had to drag some of the more rabid girls off of the property--and all they could talk about was our guide's British accent. For the next three hours they deconstructed everything he said and analyzed it and mimicked it to high heaven. I sort of tuned them out after they got to the adjectives because I would have got blood on my jumper otherwise, and it was a borrowed jumper.

The point I'd like to make is that the British accent, when attached to a reasonably nice-looking guy, will act as a sort of industrial-grade chick magnet. Not even kidding here. As long as you're out of the UK, that is. Although I've heard that boys with American accents get the same treatment there. Gods, if an actor "borrows" a British accent for a film role you can bet that the amount of screaming fangirls will increase exponentially. James Bond, Harry Potter, even the guy from the Prince of Persia movie. British, British, British.

And it's not just girls who will admit to this sort of fadding. I know guys who will cheerily attest to the fact that Gemma Arterton is cute as hell. Okay, so she is, but the accent's got to play a role in it--you can get no end of pretty girls in America too, or so I've heard.

I feel unqualified to discuss this newest track, so I'd better stop now. Maybe we should get a guy to guest-write some posts on here. Hmm.


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