Saturday 19 June 2010

I BLAME [insert plausible person or explanation here]

Hey, how has everyone been doing? I'm sure Mnem must be missing me -cough-, what with her lovely post about armies and battalions and such. I can't shake off the suspicion that she will swoop in, one of these humid summer days, to carpet bomb the current place I am in now. Of course, she wouldn't have the stomach for it, considering it would cause an international incident and a collapse in political relations between that country and this country. Only I, in our group of WTF can create international incidents or scandals of any kind... not that I'm planning any soon. -sheepish-
In any case, let me give you a demonstration of what happens to people when they try to cross me.

Meet Jack the bobblehead of Halloween Town. He was a happy, normal, emo skeleton of a guy. One day, he was sitting like usual, his ass glued to the ceramic plate bearing his name. And then... THIS happened.

Oh dear. In a flash [which is, to say, a small block of text later], poor Jack has been decapitated. The poor guy. What did he do to deserve it?
HE WAS A BOBBLEHEAD. Chronos got bored and started smacking his head around. That ultimately led to the snapping of his thin, weak neck, which leads Chronos to question WTF the factory was doing when mass producing these.
That's blue tack ultimately failing attempting to hold his neck together.
Chronos has been very, very busy you see. Not smacking ceramic bobblehead Jacks around, no. She's just been... occupied.
Or so she would like you to believe...

To be continued...

-Chronos "Fearing a ceramic bobblehead Jack of Halloween Town uprising"

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  1. Check this and become a fan
