Wednesday 23 June 2010

A new member of the Ferret Gun family who is neither ferret, gun, nor ferret gun...

Long post titles FOR THE WIN.

I guess, like me, Mnem has vanished off the face of the Earth. Worry not, she will return... someday (Someday that might or might not be today, tomorrow, or someday next year).

In any case, I would like to welcome a new member: とうふ / 豆腐はんなり
Er, translation. It's a live piece of tofu with a cute face doodled on it. I took a picture of it and photoshopped it into a header I was GOING to use for my LiveJournal, but...

Ugh, I'm not even going to tell you how long that took to upload. Despite its shrunk down size, this is meant to be 650 x 260 pixels. In other words : somewhat damn big.
Cute tofu, ain't it? That's my opinion, anyway. The spammed Chinese / Japanese characters behind the 'hanabiira's LiveJournal' section say tofu x 29384798123740129830921830912.
Yes, that's a lot of tofu.
Welcome, Tofu.


Edit: Tofu has been added to the designs page, like all our other inanimate friends that were brought to life by our lack of creative imagination. 

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