Monday 7 June 2010

Surely You Don't Mean...

X marks the spot indeed. Coincidentally, if you exchanged blogger with blogspot, you would receive a similar result. Never did know the different between blogspot and blogger until we made this exchange diary...

Regarding Mnem's post two posts prior...
When you say Hail Britannia, surely you don't mean --

Ah. Hi there, Charles di Britannia, fictional 98th emperor from Code Geass. Surely you jest! Of course, it didn't help that you used the same line as he did --

Yep, we all love the wonderful Charles, who runs rampant during the first season of Code Geass trying to set things up for his lovely Sword of Akasha and Thought Elevator.
No idea what I'm talking about? Go watch the anime.
Britannia is a lovely little nation -- empire in Code Geass which revels in having numerous Crown Princes and Princesses flippantly waltzing around in Britannia's colonies stirring up trouble. Why can't they just be good little children and stay at home? ...then again, an anime would have never come out of it. It is not unlike colonization by Europeans in Asia, I suppose, except they've thrown in a Gundam factor, what with Knightmares. Don't know what Gundam is either? YOU DON'T WATCH ANIME. -ahem- Needless to say, I don't think they speak with a British accent, considering it is of Japanese origin... nonetheless -snicker-, if they made an English dub... -snicker snicker-
I would much prefer they stick with their Japanese thanks (Although, it is hilariously questionable how people who clearly look European all speak Japanese). People in Code Geass with good British accents? I would die of laughter, I swear. I mean, Lelouch? British accent? -choke-
No, I am not insulting British people and their accents. Personally, I find them pleasant to listen to, especially in movies. I just don't swoon over them. 's just that there are some cases where British accents -- -buzzer goes off- No. Just... no.
Basically, Mnem, agreed. Really.
Sorry if it seems like I'm poking fun at what you posted. I just HAD to make the connection to Code Geass as soon as I saw the title. :D
On another note, I am bored. ...hello? Hello...?

Hi Lancelot. I suppose you're my only friend now. ...Wait. What direction do you think you're going to charge off in?


-Chronos "Too busy trying to save her skin from Lancelot"
Note: Hey, Mnem, you aren't using your ... -can't think of a word to describe them- the... the thing you include in your name. Y'know.

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