Thursday 3 June 2010

Summer is here, baby!

Since Mnem, once again, dearly loves taking her time writing her posts, I'll be happy to announce this (unless Mnem's post takes over anytime soon).

 In light of such, I will present everyone a list of things to do before or during the summer. 
  1. Say farewell to leaving friends.
    •  THIS IS OF VITAL IMPORTANCE. Make sure to sign their yearbook and stay in touch. Lifelong friends are always good to have. :)
  2. Befriend a ferret.
    •  This is the most essential thing of the summer. I'd probably be too busy 1. staying / vacationing in a city or 2. debating with myself whether to pet the damn thing. It'll probably be terrified at my conflicting, changing facial expressions and run off.
  3. Try getting high on oxygen. Just once. 
    •  Go to a place with wonderfully fresh air, stand on the highest thing you can find (that will not cause certain death or pain if you can't balance on it - pick a table or a chair or something.), pull a "Rose from Titanic" and laugh like a madman until the local patrol car comes around and coaxes you to come down whilst a doctor stands by with a straight jacket that doesn't look all too comfortable.
  4. Become a ninja or a pirate.
    •  Quite self-explanatory. Go find a ninja-school. It will most likely be secluded in a mountain range full of children / teenagers / adults who can kick your ass straight out of that mountain. In other words... don't try unless you have previous experience. :)
    •  If a pirate school exists... CRAP THEY'RE PLANNING A WORLD DOMINATION / PILLAGING DAY! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! Or report to your local authorities. Not that it will do any good. Hey, is that a ship with a skull flag I see there, o'er the horizon...
  5. Optional: For those who are sad and have no life like Mnem and I do...
    • Prepare for your next year of school by dragging your textbooks wherever you go. No, Mnem and I don't actually do that. Like I said, it's optional. OPTIONAL, I said. If you're going into IB / AP / a mix of both next year... hell, it's MANDATORY.
And those are Chronos' tips for ruining the rest of your life the summer! I'll add if I can think of anything else. Meanwhile, there's a lonely DS sitting on my bed waiting to be gamed on...


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