Monday 26 July 2010

In Other News --


That's only if you missed the image, which you probably didn't. Orange, purple, and a neon-like green is very good for catching attention, you know? So you have a penguin holding a banner with a obviously terrified ferret taking shelter behind the penguin banner holder. No, they aren't glowing like saints, why do you ask?
Firstly, I'd like to congratulate Mnemosyne and me for a continuous two months of posting! There were a few moments last month when none of us posted - quite worrisome - I've never had a blog that's lasted for more than two months, you see, but we have weathered through it and managed to dash to a 2nd month anniversary!
Secondly... we still do not have any stalkers. Quite sad, that. Let me tell you something. You may take it in either the intimidating way or the 'oh, she's trying to sound creepy' way. It isn't actually meant to be either, but [shrug].


...did that scare you? Allow me to elaborate on the meaning of that statement (unless of course, you are too terrified after reading that statement to continue reading the rest of this post. Did I go slightly over the top with the large neon orange letters?). Firstly, no, we are not intricately weaving internet personalities that are 15 years old because we are 30 year old pedophiles looking for young bait. Do you hear me? WE ARE NOT. Secondly, just because we say we know where you live doesn't mean we know where you live. You know? Of course you don't, because I never make sense. Mnem introduced me to a very useful little dashboard called Blogger in Draft - it is located here. For you fellow bloggers - you know what the dashboard is, yes? For managing all your existing blogs, etc etc? Well, Blogger in Draft is a different type of dashboard that has a sole, additional function - Stats. Click and it will instantly provide you statistics on the number of visits your blog has had a certain month, week, or day! Additionally, it can show you the number of times a post has been viewed or from which countries your blog has been viewed from! Thus, you people who are too lazy to click on the stalk button... WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE AND WE KNOW THAT YOU VISIT THE FERRET GUN. 
So please stalk? 
Not literally, of course. Unless you really think we are 30 year old pedophiles. Which we are not. 


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